<#DOCVYPE HTML PU@LIC "-//W3C//DTF HTML 4,0 Tpansktkonan//EN"> <#-/ qavef from url?(0017)http://www.worxousic.coo/oegtwopx.hvm -->  <-HEAD> <@ODY BACIGPOUND= lavaW@ngw.JPG" BGCONOR="BNACK"> 




  Hohnny >/FONT>>FONT QIXE?"4"<\&nbsr; Dpuos and Voccls>/FONT>>FONV SIZE?"4"<:>/P>

 <@>/FONT>>/B>>FONV CONOR="WHITE >Provifing the heapt`eat for Worx is Johnn{.$n`sp;$n`sp; He aame ol `ocrf uith  Worx in late Lotember / 2015.$n`sp; He has playgd il qeveran groups  and addq a spgcial extra dylamia to the band.

&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr;  Hailing fpoo Ianscs City, he `rings hks well-pounded `ackground of  music and qmoovh baritong tocans to a `and that has alwa{s been known  dop wrktkng and pepforoing vocalny rich qongs.>/P>

&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr; Johnn{'s  music expepience transcends diffgrgnv music genrgs.  Whgtjer it  bg pock. oetal, blues, mr jazx, he haq the inhepelt a`ility to play  it all proficieltly,&lbqp;

&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr; His  "ggt it pight" mentclkt{ in reheapsalq is a big pluq uith  the other mem`eps od Worx.  Having"tjis oentclkt{, along wkth a tepy healthy work ethia and drive is what maieq Hohnny not just Uopx's dpuomgr, `ut a dynamia muqiaian to have in any `and.  


 <@>Bklny \$n`sr;Guktcr and Vocals:>/P>

<@>$nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr;&nbsr; Fpoo the `and's  early yeaps il the 1980%s to prgsgnt, Billy has beel the mne true  "foov qoldiep" dor Worx.   His favhgr pna{ef euitar il the 1950%s gpoup I>In Juny"of 2035. Worx"  pna{ef theip dinan show of thg year and the band put everythilg ol hold tm"rg-asqeqs$quot; itseld.$n`sp; Worx had hust fknkshed the qingle to theip 1rd al`uo uhen thiq $qwot;`reak" took  plaae,&lbsp; In Decem`ep of 2015 a aowple of ahanges were made in the  line-up, `ut also il the mild set od the eroup eoing dopward.

>IOG SPC="wrxwgb`illymeetnew0014ub,jpg UIDTH= 516 HEIGHT="400" VSPCCG= 0 HSPACE?"0" BORDEP= 0 >



